The concrete pad at the bottom of the front steps was completed this week. The area in the foreground in front of the concrete pad will be a black top surface and part of the North parking lot.
Part of the handicap entrance sidewalk was completed this week but the work was delayed because of the rainy weather. The work will be finished next week.
Inside, the fireplace has been completed and was operating today. The fireplace is in the adult reading room. This reading room is nearly completed and will be the first room to be carpeted next week.
Some doors have been hung and trimmed out. The wood grain finishes add a lot to the quality look we are beginning to see in the library finishes.
This photo shows the finished light fixtures in the community room. The center covering in each fixture provides room light but also directs light upward to a white surface that further illuminates the room. Note the large window surface in this room. It provides not only a lot of natural light in the room but also a nice view for people who will be using the room.
This photo was taken from inside the library director's (Leslie's) office. Note the nice view (no, not the garbage can) through the front door all the way to Penn Cove!
Great pictures -- the fireplace looks so cozy!