Friday, January 29, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 29

Week 29--and finishing touches now rule the day at the Library!   The large sliding door that will separate the Community Room from the main library is the only major task to be completed.  The door will arrive in a few days.  In the mean time, clean up has begun, final checks on the heating and airconditioning systems is underway, and internal cabling for computer outlets is being completed.  Outside, remaining black top has been installed in the parking areas and (see below) the Library is now official as the old (but revitalized) Coupeville Library sign has been re-installed.   

The original Coupeville Library sign  arrived on Thursday and was installed the same day. 

Black topping of areas of the parking lots in front and in back of the building was completed this week.  It remains to be striped. 

The first of the shelving arrived this week and has been temporarily stored in the Adult Reading room until workman return next week to put it in place.

Still more shelving materials have been stored in the stacks area to be installed next week.

Framework for the stacks is ready to install.   The estimate is that it will take about two days to install the stacks and shelving.   Planning to move books and materials to the Library can then begin!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 28

Week 28 saw more finish work being completed at the Library.   The general contractor is winding down the work for which they are responsible and will have completed the "punch list" of final items to be done by mid-February.   It will then require about two weeks for Sno-Isle to install shelving, the stacks, furniture and the circulation desk.    The photos below show some of the finish work completed this week.   

This photo has been included previously showing the front entrance to the Library. There will be a railing installed along the handicap sidewalk and landscaping will be added in the next week or so. 

This photo was added to show completion of carpet installation.  The dark brown rubber baseboard was installed this week and gives the carpet and room a "finished" look. 

Here is a view of the finished children's room.   The carpet and baseboards are installed and the bench at the far end of the room is a cushioned area that will complement other furniture to be installed in the room. 

This photo was taken from the center of the Library looking into the staff work area.   It shows the linoleum floor covering in that room.   The flooring is heavy duty and has a "soft" feel when walking in the room. 

Outside, this photo shows the half-round eves-trough recently installed.   The drop cords extending out from one of the book drops are not intended to be permanent !!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 27

Week 27 saw more progress at the Library as the carpet installers arrived and began laying the carpet.  The carpet consists of 2 foot by 2 foot squares that fit together nicely and can be easily replaced if damage occurs to any one of the squares.   There was also more progress in hanging interior doors and installing  trim around the doors.   Outside, the inclement weather provided a break on Thursday and the final section of the handicap access sidewalk to the front door was poured.  It was immediately covered to protect it from rain in case there was not enough time for it to become cured and hard.  

The carpeting was completed in the stacks area on Friday and a workman is rolling it to be sure it is fully set in the glue that will hold it in place.   A dark brown rubber baseboard will be glued in place along the wall when all the carpet has been laid and in place.  

These doors were installed this week and will secure the entrance to the storage room in the Community Meeting room. 

Outside the sidewalk for handicap access to the front door of the library was completed but covered before more rain arrived in the area.    Parking areas at the rear of the building remain to be finished.  

Friday, January 8, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 26

Inside and outside finish work continued this week as we get closer to completing the expansion project. Following are photos taken today (1/8/2010). Next week should result in finishing outside cement work, inside trim on the windows and doors, the hanging of additional doors, and possibly some carpeting!

The concrete pad at the bottom of the front steps was completed this week. The area in the foreground in front of the concrete pad will be a black top surface and part of the North parking lot.

Part of the handicap entrance sidewalk was completed this week but the work was delayed because of the rainy weather. The work will be finished next week.

Inside, the fireplace has been completed and was operating today. The fireplace is in the adult reading room. This reading room is nearly completed and will be the first room to be carpeted next week.

Some doors have been hung and trimmed out. The wood grain finishes add a lot to the quality look we are beginning to see in the library finishes.

This photo shows the finished light fixtures in the community room. The center covering in each fixture provides room light but also directs light upward to a white surface that further illuminates the room. Note the large window surface in this room. It provides not only a lot of natural light in the room but also a nice view for people who will be using the room.

This photo was taken from inside the library director's (Leslie's) office. Note the nice view (no, not the garbage can) through the front door all the way to Penn Cove!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 25

Week 25 was a short week between Christmas and the start of the New Year but progress was made as usual. The photos below show a few more additions to the project as we move ever closer to finishing the expansion project.

The ceiling in the hallway between the front and rear doors of the Library is now complete with the installation 4 inch finished wood slats. They provide a nice ceiling contrast to the much lighter panels that make up the ceilings in the rest of the Library.

The first of the wooden desks and cabinets have appeared in the circulation desk areas. Not to worry -- the faces peering out of the inside book drop will not be a permanent part of the Library scene. They were Christmas visitors for California who thought they could enhance this photo!

This is a view into the children's room and shows a low cabinet that will provide display space for children entering the room.

Outside, progress was made on the sidewalk the will provide nearly level access to the front door of the Library. This concrete will be poured next week.

Additional outside work was done to prepare for pouring the sidewalk extending from the front of the Library toward downtown Coupeville and the wharf. The concrete will also be poured next week and will provide ready access to and from Front Street in Coupeville.