Saturday, February 20, 2010

Coupeville Library Expansion--Week 32

Most of the changes at the Library in Week 32 centered around the exterior landscaping.   That work is nearly complete and the photos below chronical the progress and provide some views of the entire building from the north side where the front entrance is now located.   Books and furniture are being moved into the building and next week the blog will be devoted to the building interior.

This photo shows the completed rain garden near the front entrance to the Library.   The plants used will absorb the rain water run-off from the building.

This photo shows the sidewalk railing and plantings that have been installed along the handicap access sidewalk to the front door of the Library.  

Landscape plantings have been placed in a small area near the back (south side) entrance to the Library.  They look small now but will soon grow to create a pleasant view for those patrons using the rear parking lot and entrance to the building.   

On the west side of the building some trees have been planted and are supported with stakes until they become well rooted.  The rain garden on this side of the building is also shown. 

Here is another view of the planted west side rain garden.  Of course, the plants will grow and absorb water run-off from the building and parking lot and will provide a pleasant view from the open field west of the building. 

The lighted walkway from the front entrance of the Library to the open field and parking lot west of the Library provides an additional opportunity for landscaping and decorative trees. 

This tractor has been used throughout the week leveling and grading the area before the plantings were put in place.  Not shown here is the street entrance to the open field west of the Library.  This entrance is now graded with crushed rock and is located along the north Library lot boundary on town property.  

This photo is one of three views of the completed Library taken from the north side of the building toward the front entrance. 

Another view of the Library taken from the street entrance at the front of the Library.

And finally, another photo of the front entrance of the Library from the sidewalk that leads north to the Coupeville wharf area.  

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