Friday, September 25, 2009

Coupeville Library Expansion -- Week 11

Week 11 saw a lot of additional work inside the library to get ready for sheet rock on the wall. Electrical rough-in occurred throughout the week and is very nearly complete. A new gable appeared (see photo below) on the south roof of the building and will provide a cover for the new back entry to the building. Workman also place tie-downs on the roof that will hold the solar panels firmly in place. Toward the end of the week, work continued on the new front entrance to the building and forms are being completed to allow the pouring of concrete steps. Fascia on the roof edges should be completed early next week and roofers may be able to begin shingling by week end.

The new gable on the south side of the building will cover the rear entry to the expanded library.
These are tie-downs for the solar panels that will be placed on the roof. The solar panels will provide electrical power to the building and on bright sunny days will feed electricity back to the power grid. This will provide significant electrical savings in operating the library.

The forming for the front steps to the library was started this week. Concrete will be poured next week. The rock wall seen on the left in the photo borders the handicap entry sidewalk that will provide a nearly level entry in addition the steps.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Coupeville Library Expansion -- Week 10

No pictures this week! Work continues at the Library but visual changes are minimal as most of the effort is detail work such as interior bracing, insertion of backing and, in general, getting ready for the electrical and plumbing contractors to do their rough-in work. Clips were placed on the roof in preparation for the solar panels that will be installed after shingling is complete. The front entry is beginning to take shape. Concrete has been poured along one side of the planned steps to the front entrance with provisions made for lighting that will illuminate the steps at night. More to follow!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coupeville Library Expansion -- Week 9

Week 9 did not see very many visible changes in the new library but much work was done to finish the roof structure, add the final small sections of roof sheathing, and add interior bracing and backing where needed. All this work is needed to prepare for shingling the roof and adding the interior sheet rock walls after electrical work is completed. A dormer was placed on the south roof of the building that will provide additional exterior lighting in the staff work rooms.

The south roof dormer will provide exterior lighting in the staff work areas.

Roof sheathing has been completed and only finishing of the eves remains before shingling the roof can begin.

Interior walls in the stack area and teen study area are being readied for sheet rock. Electrical work still must be done and should be started soon.

This area will become the community room when completed. Windows on two sides will provide excellent exterior lighting during the day.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Coupeville Library Expansion -- Week 8

Another good week with multiple changes in the appearance of the Library. Roof trusses arrived on Monday morning along with a crane to lift them in place and by Monday afternoon, many were already in place. The photos that follow show the progress during the week.

The trusses came on a truck and trailer. In this photo some have already been lifted and put in place by the crane.

In this photo, two of the larger trusses are lowered into place.

The crane easily lifted the trusses and dropped them in place. This is one of the smaller trusses.

By Tuesday night, most of the trusses were properly located and locked in place with metal clips

Here is a view from inside the building after many of the trusses were installed.

By Thursday, a new structure (the cupola!) began to appear at the top of the roof.

In this photo, the cupola rough-in including the roof are in place. Note also that most of the roof sheathing has also been installed. Shingling of the roof is still at least a week away as a lot of detail work remains to be completed.

The landscape crew began work putting large rocks in place on Wednesday. This is the front entrance but a lot work remains to be done.

This hardworking group met on Thursday afternoon to make decisions on chairs, tables, fabrics and color schemes in the finished library. Clockwise from the lower left are Jeanne Crisp, Rebecca Loney, Boyka Thayer (our interior design consultant), Joann Roomes, Leslie Franzen, Bruce Williams, and Stig Carlson.

Friday afternoon finds Ken Helms, Project Manager, on site with tools and working! I got the feeling he has done this before. He was right at home in a role as a regular carpenter!